Tefillin for the stars
Heartwarming Stories
Yossi Farro
Yossi Farro promotes the holy tefillin by publicizing the mitzvah on celebs or some other words here...
Living L'Chaim
Jack Langer is a legend
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One Mitzvah Campaign
Chabad initiative
Join thousands around the world doing OneMitzvah
The TYH Collection
About This Page
Welcome to our heartwarming video collection! Here, you'll find a growing cache of videos curated with love and care. We believe in the power of stories that touch the heart, and our mission is to bring you the most inspiring and uplifting narratives from around the world. These videos are windows into the achdus, resilience, kindness, love, and hope that exists in our community. Our dedicated team scours the globe, uncovering these extraordinary stories, whether they are shared by our viewers or uncovered in our own searches. Explore our ever-expanding video collection, and prepare to be moved, inspired, and uplifted by the incredible stories of Yiddin around the world.
- The Thank You Hashem Team
Flag Campaign
An AmYisrael.com project
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Project Tzitzis
Charlie Breida, Chesed Fund and Motet
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Mitzvah Tank
Chabad initiative
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