It isn’t the happy who are grateful

It’s the grateful who are happy

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Gratitude is a never-ending story

Pearls of Wisdom
Thank you Hashem for my family close and far. For those who I never realized how much I love. For giving us this oppo...
Thank you Hashem for helping me and providing for my family all our needs, thank you that this virus that is going ar...
Thank you Hashem for everything! Even though I don't feel so good now, but I believe it is for the good. And I will k...
Thank you Hashem for everything he's done, for what he's doing and for what he will do

Abraham Heilpern

Thank you Hashem for breathing without any difficulty!


Thank you Hashem for all the good you bestow upon us and for keeping our family healthy especially during this time. ...
Thank you Hashem for Toras Chaim who takes such good care of their Bnei Torah!

Thank you Hashem for Rabbi Kestenbaum Shlita who has a heart of GOLD

Oilam Hamiddois

Thank you Hashem for giving us the chance to realize that You are the One in charge of everything!!


Thank you Hashem for all the happy moments that I get to experience with my loved ones

Rachel Serruya

Thank you Hashem for bringing us steps and steps closer to Geulah through building up Eretz Yisrael!


Thank you Hashem for allowing me to be able to work from home.

Thank you Hashem that there is color in the world


Thank you Hashem for all the guitars and voices that are always handy on Rabbi Kalish 12o clock zoom

Thank you Hashem for a beautiful Healthy family, a job, living in Israel, amazing friends, shalom bayis, food to eat,...
Thank you Hashem for continuing in keeping everyone healthy

Joel Klein

Thank you Hashem for giving me such an amazing husband and sweet children!
