It isn’t the happy who are grateful

It’s the grateful who are happy

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Gratitude is a never-ending story

Pearls of Wisdom
Thank you Hashem for everything you do for me from the minute I wake up till I go to sleep. I can breathe, see, hear,...
Thank you hashem for my awesome chavrusa

Tzvi Goldman

Thank you Hashem for guiding me every single step in my life, for showing me Your love, even though I'm far from the ...
Thank you Hashem for the good and the bad. And for everything.

Ma Rabu Masecha, Hashem!!! How great your creations are, Hashem!!!

Yonah Gutstein

Thank you Hashem for my family


Thank you Hashem for the  health of my family and for the sweet kids and for all the good things what we have

David Pollak

Thank you Hashem for d_rama

Thank you Hashem for Waterbury

Thank you Hashem for...making me ME!

Eli Shmidman

Thank you Hashem for...every Flatbush resident who supported RCCS Flatbush this past year! Hashem should bless you al...
Thank you Hashem for... life and amazing people

Thank you HaShem for Rabbi Groner, rabbi Newcomb, Rabbi brickman, rabbi Orlansky, Rabbi Greenberg, rabbi Katz, rabbi ...
Thank you Hashem for making me a Yid

Moti Blumberg

Thank you Hashem for family, for every day we live, for everything you do for us.

Frida Sionova

Thank you Hashem for everything! Big and small!

Thank you Hashem for having online classes. Although we had to sadly leave Israel, it helps us to still be connected ...
Thank you Hashem for giving myself and my family a home with love and happiness
