It isn’t the happy who are grateful

It’s the grateful who are happy

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Gratitude is a never-ending story

Pearls of Wisdom
Thank you Hashem for Yeshiva!!!

Mrs. Gold

Thank you Hashem for giving me the gift of a 10 person graduate school program that I’m gaining so much in.

The Jewish Heart

Thank you Hashem for having given me so much nachas from my children,grandchildren,and greatcgrandchildren!

Sora Devorah Charnet

Thank you Hashem for allowing me to visit bubby

Thank you Hashem for looking out for me and helping me achieve and succeed

Rafi Pines

Thank you Hashem for all the חסד that's been going around

Johnny Haglili

Thank you Hashem for the life i had before that i took for granted! That i was able to go out, go to college, go out ...
Thank you Hashem for my healthy family and the time we now spend together that we otherwise wouldn’t.

Shevy Arnstein

Thank you Hashem for making sure we have so much food to eat !


Thank you Hashem for bringing me close to such an amazing network for friends. The unity, optimism and dance offs thi...
Thank you Hashem for my husband being able to secure new job in this difficult time!

Thank you Hashem for an opportunity for me to spend more time together with my family.

Izzy Assouline

Thank you Hashem for always giving me everything I need!

Chucky Rosenfeld

Thank you Hashem for blessing my family with health and my younger sibilings!!

Thank you Hashem for choosing me to be engaged at this time!!!!!!!!


Thank you Hashem for every second you gave me and Thank you hashem for every second you'll give me!!!

Thank you Hashem for my family and their health and bringing us closer to you!!!!

Thank you Hashem for waking us up happily today!
